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Top 20 Tools to Boost Sales for Amazon Sellers in 2024


Importance of Sales Tools for Amazon Sellers

In the dynamic and highly competitive Amazon marketplace, sellers must utilize a range of tools to stay ahead. These tools are designed to streamline operations, optimize listings, manage inventory, and engage customers effectively. Utilizing the right combination of tools can significantly enhance sales performance, providing a competitive edge.

Overview of Article Content

This article will explore 20 of the best sales increase tools available to Amazon sellers. Each tool serves a unique purpose, from product research and keyword optimization to inventory management and customer support. By the end of this guide, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how these tools can enhance your Amazon business.

Product Research Tools

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is a leading product research tool that provides insights into sales estimates, competition, and product demand. It offers features like a product database, keyword scout, and sales analytics, making it indispensable for new and experienced sellers alike.

Helium 10

Helium 10 is an all-in-one suite that offers a range of tools for product research, keyword research, and listing optimization. Its powerful features like Black Box and Xray help sellers discover high-potential products and niche markets.

Viral Launch

Viral Launch offers comprehensive market intelligence and product discovery tools. It provides accurate sales data, competition analysis, and market trends, helping sellers make informed decisions about product selection and market entry.

Keyword Research Tools


MerchantWords offers extensive keyword data to help sellers understand what customers are searching for on Amazon. It provides keyword search volumes, related keywords, and trends, aiding in the optimization of product listings.


Sonar, developed by Sellics, is a free keyword research tool that helps sellers find relevant keywords for their products. It offers a comprehensive database and provides insights into search volumes and keyword trends.

Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool uses Amazon’s autocomplete feature to generate long-tail keywords. It is an excellent resource for discovering new keywords and optimizing listings for better search visibility.

Listing Optimization Tools

AMZ One Step

AMZ One Step provides a range of services including listing optimization, enhanced brand content, and product photography. It helps sellers create visually appealing and SEO-friendly listings to boost sales.

Listing Builder by Helium 10

The Listing Builder tool from Helium 10 helps sellers create optimized product listings by providing keyword suggestions and real-time SEO scores. It ensures your listings are fully optimized for Amazon’s search algorithm.


SellerApp offers a comprehensive listing optimization tool that helps sellers enhance their product titles, bullet points, and descriptions. It provides keyword recommendations and competitor analysis to ensure your listings stand out.

Inventory Management Tools


RestockPro helps Amazon sellers manage their inventory efficiently. It provides restock suggestions, order tracking, and forecasting tools to ensure you always have the right amount of stock.


SoStocked offers advanced inventory management features like demand forecasting, inventory tracking, and supplier management. It helps sellers streamline their inventory processes and reduce carrying costs.


InventoryLab combines inventory management with accounting tools. It offers features like listing management, inventory tracking, and profit and loss reporting, making it an essential tool for Amazon sellers.

Price Tracking Tools


Keepa provides comprehensive price tracking features, including price history charts, price drop alerts, and competitor analysis. It helps sellers make informed pricing decisions and stay competitive.


CamelCamelCamel is a free price tracking tool that offers price history data and alerts for price drops. It helps sellers monitor competitor pricing and adjust their prices accordingly.


RepricerExpress is an automated repricing tool that helps sellers stay competitive by adjusting prices in real-time. It offers customizable repricing rules and strategies to maximize sales and profits.

Review Management Tools


FeedbackWhiz offers automated email campaigns to request reviews from customers. It also provides tools for managing and analyzing reviews, helping sellers improve their product ratings.


AMZFinder helps sellers manage customer reviews and feedback. It offers review request automation, negative review alerts, and order management features to enhance customer satisfaction.

Jungle Scout Review Automation

Jungle Scout’s Review Automation tool streamlines the process of requesting reviews from customers. It helps sellers increase their review count and improve their product ratings.

PPC Management Tools


Sellics offers comprehensive PPC management features, including campaign optimization, keyword targeting, and performance analytics. It helps sellers maximize their advertising ROI.

PPC Entourage

PPC Entourage provides tools for optimizing Amazon PPC campaigns, including keyword research, bid management, and campaign analysis. It helps sellers improve their ad performance and reduce costs.

Ad Badger

Ad Badger offers automated PPC management and optimization features. It helps sellers streamline their advertising efforts and achieve better results with less effort.

Analytics Tools


DataHawk offers comprehensive analytics and reporting features, including sales tracking, keyword ranking, and market analysis. It helps sellers gain valuable insights into their business performance.


Sellics provides a range of analytics tools for Amazon sellers, including sales tracking, profit analysis, and keyword ranking. It helps sellers make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations.


SellerLegend offers detailed analytics and reporting features, including sales performance, inventory management, and financial analysis. It helps sellers gain a deeper understanding of their business metrics.

Email Marketing Tools

Feedback Genius

Feedback Genius offers automated email campaigns to request reviews and provide customer support. It helps sellers maintain customer engagement and improve their overall satisfaction.


Klayvio is a powerful email marketing platform that helps sellers create targeted email campaigns. It offers advanced segmentation and analytics to optimize email performance.


Mailchimp is a popular email marketing tool that provides a range of features for creating and managing email campaigns. It helps sellers engage with customers and drive repeat sales.

Customer Support Tools


xSellco provides customer support solutions specifically designed for e-commerce sellers. It offers features like automated responses, ticket management, and multi-channel support.


Zendesk is a well-known customer support platform that helps sellers manage customer inquiries and support tickets. It offers a range of features to improve customer satisfaction and streamline support operations.


Freshdesk is a customer support tool that offers ticketing, automation, and reporting features. It helps sellers provide efficient and effective customer support.

Competitor Analysis Tools


Sellics offers competitor analysis tools that help sellers monitor competitor activities and strategies. It provides insights into competitor pricing, listings, and keywords.


AMZScout provides tools for competitor analysis, including sales estimates, pricing data, and keyword research. It helps sellers stay ahead of the competition and make informed business decisions.


SellerApp offers competitor analysis features that help sellers understand competitor strategies and performance. It provides insights into competitor listings, keywords, and sales data.


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