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Legendary NFL Icon Larry Allen Passes Away at 52: A Tribute to the Strongest Man in Football

 Larry Allen, an iconic figure in NFL history, recently passed away at the age of 52. Allen is widely regarded as one of the greatest offensive linemen in the history of the Dallas Cowboys and the NFL. His career spanned 14 seasons, during which he played for the Dallas Cowboys and the San Francisco 49ers.

Allen's career was marked by numerous accolades and achievements. He was an 11-time Pro Bowler and a 7-time First-team All-Pro. Known for his versatility, Allen played every position along the offensive line except center, showcasing his exceptional skill and adaptability. He was instrumental in the Cowboys' victory in Super Bowl XXX, starting at right guard in their win over the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Allen was known not only for his on-field prowess but also for his incredible strength, which was legendary among his peers. He boasted a career-best bench press of 700 pounds and a squat lift of 900 pounds, making him one of the strongest men to ever play professional football.

In 2013, Allen was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, a testament to his outstanding contributions to the game. His induction speech highlighted his humble beginnings and the significant influences in his life, including his family and mentors who shaped his career and character.

Allen's passing is a significant loss to the football community, but his legacy as a dominant force on the field and a respected figure off the field will continue to inspire future generations of players.

For more details on Larry Allen's career and impact, you can visit the Dallas Cowboys' official site and the Pro Football Hall of Fame website (Dallas Cowboys)​​  (Pro Football HOF)​.


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